Day: 10 April 2010

the AU interview at Bluesfest: Natalie Pa'apa'a (Singer / Guitarist) of Blue King Brown (Melbourne)

While I was up at Bluesfest in Byron Bay, I had the oppertunity to sit down with the face of Blue King Brown – singer and guitarist Natalie Pa’apa’a. We chatted about what Bluesfest means to her, the upcoming Blue King Brown album, and what it was like to record in Jamaica! So welcome back…

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Byron Bay Bluesfest 2010: Day Three – Tyagarah Tea Tree Farm (03.04.10)

“Who on earth is that band rocking the socks off the main stage?” I thought to myself as I entered the Bluesfest showgrounds for my third day. “Led Zeppelin? The Mars Volta?” Whoever it was, they sounded absolutely incredible. I would later find out they were Carney, from Los Angeles – one of the surprise…

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