Day: 12 July 2010

It’s Summer Up There! Day Three of Glastonbury Festival 2010

Onto Saturday and the second day of the festival, with a great number of acts lined up throughout the day, bringing incredibly eclectic and varied performances to the enthusiastic crowd. The only constant for all the bands playing was the quality of the performances they delivered. It was a rather low key start to the…

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Eagle and the Worm + Barbarion – Northcote Social Club (10.07.10)

Better late than never has always been my motto, and whilst I missed most of the supports for Eagle & The Worm, I stumbled into the Northcote band room just in time to be forced back out again by the wall to wall crowd of people spastic dancing to Barbarion. Born from the fire pits…

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Castratii – Orchid/Surrogates (2010 Single)

Given the band name and album art, you’d be forgiven for thinking Castratii were a hardcore metal group. [Ed: They’re not!?] The three piece from the Blue Mountains make atmospheric compositions that are so dark and brooding, they may have been taken straight from the bowels of hell. Their new double single Orchid/Surrogates is drenched…

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