Day: 18 April 2011

Festival Review: West Coast Blues and Roots 2011 – Fremantle Park (17.04.2011)

I believe it was Bob Marley who said “one good thing about music, when it hits, you feel no pain”. Well, the punters at this year’s Blues and Roots were in for a pain free day, with the music on offer being of the highest quality from artists of the highest calibre. Organisers have been…

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the AU interview: Freddie Cowan of The Vaccines (London)

With an Australian tour looming for Splendour in the Grass, we caught up with Freddie from London’s rising up-and-comers The Vaccines. We chat about their new record What Did You Expect From The Vaccines?, the Australian tour, and what the band really thinks of UK series Skins. Freddie! Thanks for taking the time to talk…

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