Day: 11 October 2011

Ernest Ellis & The Panamas – Kings Canyon (2011 LP)

Cathartic is an appropriate term to describe the new sounds being made by Sydney based troubadour Roland Ellis and his musical cohorts – Ernest Ellis & The Panamas. With a separation from their label and a slight alteration to the band’s name their new direction has been firmly established and their latest LP Kings Canyon…

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Filter Magazine's Culture Collide Festival Day Three feat. CSS + The Elected + Cameras + Sparkadia + More – Echo Park, Los Angeles (08.10.11)

My third night at Culture Collide was a rather brief affair due to other engagements, but I got to catch some fantastic performances from a couple of bands I know very well, and a couple others I didn’t know much about at all… First up were Netherlands based duo Death Letters. With both members under…

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Filter Magazine's Culture Collide Festival Day Two feat. YACHT + The Asteroids Galaxy Tour + WIM + More – Echo Park, Los Angeles (07.10.11)

And the music continues! We kicked things off on day two with the Dutch Impact Party and enjoyed the sweet sounds of bands from The Netherlands. Unfortunately we missed Death Letters (more on them later in week), but made it just in time to see the energetic performance from De Staat. Their brand of heavy…

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