Day: 21 November 2011

Kasabian, Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All, Girl Talk, Royksopp and many more announce Big Day Out sideshows for 2012.

Let’s get those diaries open… it’s time for the Big Day Out sideshow announcements! While this is the vast majority of sideshows we’ll be getting for BDO in 2012, we’re sure there’s more dates to come and more artists to be announced so stay tuned… but for now… away we go! Tickets to all shows…

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Live Review: Blackchords + Empire + Zeal – Revolver Upstairs (18.11.11)

———- This content has recently been ported from its original home on The AU Review: Music and may have formatting errors – images may not be showing up, or duplicated, and galleries may not be working. We are slowly fixing these issue. If you spot any major malfunctions making it impossible to read the content,…

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