Day: 16 May 2012

Album Review: Orbital – Wonky (2012 LP)

Orbital’s 2004 album Blue Album was supposed to be the British duo’s final legacy, leaving fans to mourn the loss of one of the 90s most heralded and unique electronica acts. But after a few years apart, Phil and Paul Hartnoll regrouped for what turned out to be a successful reunion world tour. Wanting to…

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Album Review: Shimmergloom – Unfamiliar Nights (2011 EP)

If you live outside of Perth you may have had a slight excuse for having not caught on to the magnificence that is Shimmergloom, but that excuse exists no longer. Read no further (well do read further) and rush out now and buy a copy of their debut EP Unfamiliar Nights, before your ears leave…

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