The horror of war is painted with devastating clarity in Flowers of War, a historical fiction drama by director Zhang Yimou (Hero, House of Flying Daggers). Set during the 1937 Japanese massacre in Nanjing, under imminent occupation, the city is reduced to dusty rubble and the last remaining citizens are fleeing for their lives amid…
Read MoreOver the weekend I found myself in the simple yet elegant Galerie pompom, gazing upon Rochelle Haley’s mesmerising exhibition ‘Dead Precious’, on the final day of its showing. Comprised of thirteen water colours on paper, the collection captures an intriguing combination of sparkling precious gems, nestled amongst crisp clean skeletal remains. Rochelle’s inspiration stems from…
Read MoreWe catch up with our good friends in Chicks Who Love Guns to talk about their music, super heroes, the new EP Moon Eater and much, much more… If CWLG were a super hero, Avengers style crew, what would be the super powers of each member of the group and how do you think, in…
Read MoreHot on the heels of his new album My God Is Blue I caught up with the French bearded electronic maestro Sebastien Tellier to talk about the new album, the meaning behind “Pépito Bleu”, a film soundtrack that never happened and much more… oh and he reckons he’ll be back in Australia over the Summer….
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