Day: 24 September 2012

Film Review: Darwin International Film Festival: On The Road (2012 USA)

Kerouac’s classic Beat-generation manifesto On The Road transforms to the big screen in all its pulsing, joyful free-wheeling madness, complete with crazy cats, hustlers, junkies, and poets. Brazilian director Walter Salles (Central Station) and screenwriter Jose Rivera (The Motorcycle Diaries) deliver a pitch-perfect manifestation of the cult classic, transporting the viewer to the time and…

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the AU [audio] interview at Fat as Butter: Mystery Jets (UK)

Larry Heath sat backstage over the weekend to chat with the UK’s Fat as Butter to talk about Texas outfits, Red Bull sleeps, touring around Asia, underground music scenes, returning to Australia and much more in this UNCUT interview… listen on! Remaining tour dates: Tue 25th The Hi Fi, Brisbane, QLD WITH YOUNG MEN DEAD…

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