Fall Out Boy’s hiatus might have only lasted four years, but it was swarming with rumours: was it a permanent break? Or would they be back next week? When their official return was announced earlier this year, I assumed it was a joke. A few weeks later, when I turned up to the Metro Theatre…
Read moreLarry Heath sits down with Starcadian & Rob O’Neill to talk about their music video for Stacardian’s track Heart, or “HE^RT” as it’s been stylized, at SXSW 2013, where it was screened as part of the festival’s music video program. Look out for Starcardian’s album Sunset Blood coming out later in the year. Interview/Edit: Larry…
Read moreJim Beam launched a Giant Esky at Bondi Beach on Thursday night, putting on a huge party at Icebergs, which you can capture some of the action from in the video above, and in the photos below. Keep your eyes out for the boys from Art Vs Science, Channel [V]’s Danny Clayton and more!
Read moreCurrently on tour in the UK with Eels, US singer/songwriter Nicole Atkins has just leaked a new track from her forthcoming record Slow Phaser, which she finished with Tore Johansson in Sweden over Christmas. The track “Red Ropes”, which you can listen to below, was co-written with Jim Sclavunos of the Bad Seeds and Grinderman…
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