I’ve been stalking World’s End Press since I saw them open for The Night Terrors at the John Curtin many moons ago. They were dressed in sports attire and put on one of the funnest live shows I’ve ever seen. Fast forward three years to the hipster party Plus One in the City of Churches,…
Read moreWinter festivals are far from an easy exercise to put yourself through, especially ones that run multi-days. When you think about it, it’s quite remarkable Splendour in the Grass has become the popular event it has, line-ups irrespective. I guess people are just gluttons for punishment. I feel this way after every Splendour. So what…
Read moreA quietly devastating meditation on female adolescence, It Felt Like Love is the feature debut of director Eliza Pittman made on a tiny budget, and shot over 18 days in August 2012. The film opens with an awkward teenaged Lila (Gina Piersanti), childishly smeared in sunscreen at the beach. It’s this yardstick from which Lila’s character arc moves over the…
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