Day: 28 October 2013

the AU interview at CMJ: Ghost Wave (New Zealand)

the AU review sits down with Ghost Wave from New Zealand while at CMJ, to talk about CMJ, playing churches and more in LA during Culture Collide… and find out about their latest music and plans for the rest of the year…

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the AU interview at CMJ: Maria Taylor (Birmingham, Alabama)

the AU review chats to Birmingham, Alabama based artist Maria Taylor to talk about the release of her new album “Something About Knowing” (out October 29th) and much more at CMJ 2013.

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the AU interview at CMJ: Chevonne and The Fuzz (New Jersey)

the AU review chats to Chevonne and The Fuzz about playing CMJ – fitting the seven piece onto tiny stages – their new Fire At Will EP – how The Voice Season 3 fans have followed Chevonne to The Fuzz and much, much more…

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the AU interview at CMJ: Them Swoops (Melbourne)

the AU review sits down at The Aussie BBQ in New York City, during CMJ, with Melbourne’s Them Swoops.

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the AU interview at CMJ: Quiet Company (Austin, TX)

the AU review chats to Austin, Texas based group Quiet Company at CMJ 2013 to find out what they’ve been up to since we last caught them at ACL 2013, about a year earlier. Turns out they’ve been quite busy – re-recording and re-releasing their debut album “Shine Honesty”, working on a new EP, touring…

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the AU interview at CMJ: Sol Cat (Nashville)

the AU review interviews Nashville based outfit SOL CAT to talk about their new EP “Welcome to Cowabunga” EP, playing CMJ and much more…

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the AU interview at CMJ: Streets of Laredo (New Zealand)

the AU review talk to New Zealand indie-folk duo Streets of Laredo while in New York for CMJ 2013. The band talk about relocating to New York, recording their EPs at home and much more…

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the AU interview at CMJ: NONONO (Sweden)

the AU review sits down with Swedish Trio NONONO while at CMJ in New York City for their first ever official shows in the USA. We talk about the shows, coming to America, Australian plans and more!

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the AU interview at CMJ: Rocket and the Ghost (Brooklyn)

the AU review meets Rocket and the Ghost at CMJ 2013, a band from Brooklyn, New York, to talk about their CMJ experience, their upcoming EP release (out November 5th), their single “Goodbye” and much more…

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the AU interview at CMJ: Georgia Potter and Jordan Rakei (Brisbane)

the AU review sits down with Brisbane’s Georgia Potter and her mate Jordan Rakei to talk about what they’re up to in New York City – recording a new track, popping into the JETLAG showcase at CMJ and more! We also find out what Jordan Rakei is doing with his own material. A talented chap!

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Tour Diaries: The Delta Riggs in the USA (Oct 2013) – Part One

I had the opportunity to catch up with The Delta Riggs a few times on their journey around the USA. They started in LA, with a special show at the Bootleg Bar – accompanied by a slew of fantastic talent from Australia, including Tigertown, Oh Mercy and Bored Nothings. It felt like every Australian in…

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the AU sessions: Darren Middleton "Let Go"

the AU review presents Darren Middleton performing his track “Let Go” from his new album Translations. Performed acoustically for the AU sessions.

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