Day: 13 November 2013

Live Review: OneRepublic + Emma Birdsall – The Star Event Centre, Sydney (12.11.13)

For a band that has never headlined a tour in Australia to date, the guys from OneRepublic managed to nearly sell out the enormous Event Centre room and bring a thunderous show to the crowd filled with epic pop rock tunes and flashy production.

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Photo Gallery: OneRepublic – The Star Event Centre (12.11.13)

OneRepublic played the Star Event Centre on Tuesday night. Gwendolyn Lee was there and brings us these photos from the pit.

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News: Maltesers Moonlight Cinema announces first half of 2013/2014 program.

Taking in picturesque locations in around the country, Maltesers Moonlight Cinema has announced the first half of its 2013/14 program, which will once again see the cinema under the stars feature an exciting mix of advance previews, contemporary, classic and cult films. Advance previews that will be on offer include the comedy sequel, Anchorman 2: The Legend…

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