Day: 10 December 2013

the AU interview: Steel Panther (Los Angeles) on "All You Can Eat", Glory Holes and Great Hair.

the AU review talks to Lexxi Foxx and Satchel from Steel Panther and asks the all important question: what’s the secret to great hair? We also find out about the new Steel Panther record All You Can Eat which features the track “Glory Holes”. Naturally, the conversation becomes almost exclusively about Glory Holes. Filmed before…

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the AU interview: Nash Whalen of Wooden Shjips talks their new record "Back To Land"

We talk to Nash Whalen, the keyboardist from acclaimed group Wooden Shjips about their latest record Back to Land, their European tour and tease the potential of them touring Australia in 2014 – as well as, of course, looking back at some of their past experiences here! Back to Land is available now!

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LIVE: Watch Passenger perform a free Pop Up Set in Sydney!

It was a bit of a “back to the old days” set as Passenger performed a FREE set today, back where he used to busk in Martin Place, when he was recording his record here in Australia. This special 25 minute set comes the night before he is to play in front of thousands of…

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Film Review: Kill Your Darlings (MA15+) (USA, 2013)

“Rhyme, meter, conceit. Without this balance, a poem becomes slack.” Allan Ginsberg’s poetry professor proclaims this line in the earlier moments of Kill Your Darlings, and throughout its runtime I found myself wishing that the film had heeded this advice. Kill Your Darlings is a schizophrenic trip through the origins of the Beat Generation that never…

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Redfern Now and The Rocket win big at the 2013 APRA Screen Music Awards.

Presented by APRA, AMCOS and the AGSC, the winners of the 2013 Screen Music Awards have been announced at a gala event at the Sydney State Theatre. Hosted by The Chaser’s Andrew Hansen and Chris Taylor, the winner’s list features an impressive group of composers who reflect the diversity and depth of the Australian screen…

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