Day: 16 December 2013

Top 40 Albums of 2013: Part Three – 20 to 11

It’s part three of our best of 2013 coverage and we’re now in the top 20 albums of 2013, kicking off with a band who impressed with their sophomore effort Not Art, Melbourne duo Big Scary. Click here to look back at parts ONE and TWO of our best albums of 2013 coverage… Chloe Webb:…

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On the Red Carpet: American Hustle Premiere (Sydney, Australia)

Daniel Bolt takes us to the red carpet with these photos from the Sydney, Australia premiere of the acclaimed film American Hustle. You can read our review of the film right HERE. The premiere took place on December 11th at the George St Event Cinemas. [print_gllr id=895] ———- This content has recently been ported from…

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First Look Trailer: Christopher Nolan’s “Interstellar” (USA, 2014)

The Iris brings you the first look official trailer for Interstellar, directed by the acclaimed Christopher Nolan and starring Matthew McConaughey. The trailer introduces us, vaguely, to the film’s premise, with a brief period of shots from the film and found footage from the history of American space exploration. Interstellar opens nationally in Australia on…

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TV Review: Homeland Season 3 Episodes 7-11 (M) (US, 2013)

Homeland is back for another year. I will be chronicling the journeys of Carrie, Saul and Brody throughout the third season of the best show currently on television. Spoilers within so don’t read before viewing the episodes! Previously on Homeland… Saul (Mandy Patinkin) has been successful in his plan to use Carrie (Claire Danes) as bait in…

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British Film Festival Review: Private Peaceful (M) (UK, 2012)

As we approach the 100th anniversary of the beginning of World War I, it is good for us to be reminded of the terrible and destructive nature of war. The most effective war films are able to give their audiences a tiny taste of what it might have been like to live through those times, as…

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