Day: 19 December 2013

The Iris Interview: Adam McKay – Director of Anchorman 2

Released today in Australian cinemas, The Iris meets Director and Comedian Adam McKay on the red carpet of the Sydney premiere of Anchorman 2 to talk about the unlikely return of Mr. Ron Burgundy. ———- This content has recently been ported from its original home on The Iris and may have formatting errors – images…

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Top 40 Tracks of 2013: Part Two – 30 to 21

We start the next batch of our top 40 tracks of 2013 with the band that won out the album of the year, LA trio Haim. If you want to see what kicked off the top 40 yesterday, you can have a look back at the first set of tracks HERE. 30. Haim – If…

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Win a year long subscription to Spotify thanks to Digster!

Digster is the playlist app that gives Spotify users access to music for every occasion, curated by a team of music lovers. Spotify listeners will be able to hear the hottest tracks as soon as they are available, or find the perfect playlist for any occasion. Digster has you covered for the Summer backyard BBQ,…

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The Iris Interview: Josh Lawson talks Anchorman 2 and House of Lies

The Iris talks to Australia’s own Josh Lawson from Anchorman 2 – which opens in cinemas today – at the Sydney Red Carpet premiere. We talk about his role in the film, House of Lies – the US TV series starring Don Cheadle he’s a part of – and much, much more… ———- This content…

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