Ahead of their visit to Australia for the Groovin the Moo festival, Graham Walsh of Holy Fuck chats to John Goodridge about the festival, electronic music and much more… Read on! Hey Graham, how are you? I’m all right. Good to hear. Are you looking forward to your trip out to Australia? Oh man, yeah,…
Read moreAs has been reported this month on the AU review, Australian artists are travelling around the globe with massive announcements seeming to be happening every day for their international tours and additions to festivals on all corners of the globe. Here is the up-to-date information on four of the most recent announcements in the UK,…
Read moreThey’re two of the busiest (and rockin’est) women in the industry, but somehow Nicole Fiorentino and Meghan Toohey managed to team up to not only make some music together, under the project The Cold and the Lovely, but they’ve been touring it too! We caught up with the pair at SXSW to talk about their…
Read moreWe had the chance to catch up with one of our favourite bands while at SXSW, the Brooklyn group TEEN, during which we talked about their music, the festival, the chances of getting them to Australia and much more. Watch on:
Read moreAside from J.D and Turk on Scrubs, who would be your favourite character? It’s a hard question, as with the medical comedy, there is something to love about each one of the characters who work and operate in some way at Sacred Heart. Two such characters would have to be Ted and The Todd. In…
Read moreIn a move that will excite many but surprise few, HBO have announced that their flagship series Game of Thrones has officially been renewed for two more seasons. The announcement comes on the heels of the hugely successful fourth season premiere this week. The episode gave Game of Thrones its highest-ever ratings (6.6 million), and…
Read moreStunning, visceral immersion into one of the world’s most important and historically rich cities is exactly what one will get when they settle into the IMAX to watch Jerusalem 3D. This documentary is a virtual visit to the gorgeous land and infinitely intriguing architecture, taking you through everything from the vibrant marketplaces to the historical…
Read moreStylistically, Wes Anderson remains one of the most exciting directors in the business, constantly infusing imagination into each and every one of his whimsical masterpieces. In many ways, The Grand Budapest Hotel supplants his classic works likes Fantastic Mr Fox and The Darjeeling Limited to shine as Anderson’s greatest film to date. 100 minutes just…
Read moreDivergent is the latest in a line of post-apocalyptic teen dramas that have been churned through cinema since the ever-popular Twilight and Hunger Games franchises. Adapted from the novels by Veronica Roth through the eyes of director Neil Burger, Divergent plays around with some similarity to The Hunger Games via a post-“war” Chicago that is…
Read moreThe Muppets are returning to the big screen with Muppets: Most Wanted, a sequel to 2011’s critical and box office smash The Muppets, or, as it’s humorously put in the film’s brilliantly meta opening number – the seventh sequel since their original film in 1979. But who’s counting, right? The film stars the Muppet gang…
Read moreCorin Nemec is one of the Oz Comic Con guests who, when I told friends I would be interviewing him, there were some swoons to follow. The American actor, known to many as Jonas Quinn on Stargate: SG-1 and also as the Winchester brothers’ cousin Christian on Supernatural, Nemec has been a favourite of the…
Read more“Here’s the thing. Mostly, what makes these trips for me, is the people. You just walk around this city and you get to know how lovely people are and how welcoming and open they are.” It’s the general consensus I’ve been getting from Oz Comic Con guests who have been discussing the vibe of the…
Read moreRobin Dunne is quick to break the ice when we meet in the established ‘media room’ (read: hotel room) for the Oz Comic Con Adelaide press day. “I was told I could lie in bed for this interview, is that okay?” The Canadian actor, who stars alongside fellow Oz Comic Con guest Amanda Tapping in…
Read moreChances are you already have a couple of packets of Gourmet Garden Lightly Dried herbs and spices on hand. These products are simple and convenient ways to capture the flavour of herbs without sacrificing any of that freshness that comes with chopping the herbs yourself. To showcase the authenticity and ease of use of Gourmet…
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