Opening things with “Always”, UK quartet The Boxer Rebellion brought their energetic live show to Singapore for the first time for Music Matters, in a set which closed the final night of official festivities (and their second of the event). A favourite from the set was “Diamond”, which comes off their last record Promises. Another…
Read moreAfter a twenty hour flight and a 7 hour stop over of frantic drinking in San Fran airport we all arrived safe and sound but a little hung over in Toronto, Canada. We considered ourselves lucky to even get there at all considering we nearly missed our flight in Sydney due to an overlook of…
Read moreWhat an episode! The Strategy stands up against some of the finest episodes of the entire series and will likely be looked back upon a defining moment of season 7. A whole lot happened in this one, by Mad Men standards of ‘a lot’, and much of focused on Don and Peggy. Always the most…
Read moreBryan Singer’s X-Men (2000) is generally credited with starting the phenomenally successful boom of modern comic book film adaptations that has dominated popular culture in the years since. Previous to the release of the film, comic book films had found some success with the Superman and Batman series, but had hit a low point with Batman & Robin in…
Read moreWe’re only a few weeks away from the release of comedy sequel 22 Jump Street, and publicity for the film is heating up. Just a couple of weeks after the release of the last clip from the film, Sony has released a clip from another scene. The new clip sees Schmidt (Jonah Hill) and Jenko (Channing Tatum) meeting their…
Read moreThe paranormal has long captured the interests of writers, directors and actors alike. You can even go into bookshops and find whole shelves devoted to the genre. Werewolf Priest!: The Lamentable Ballad of Father Hank Grimby, the latest production from writer, director and producer Levon J Polinelli both continues this burgeoning genre, and successfully parodies…
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