This week, the surviving members of iconic British Comedy troupe Monty Python bring their run of “reunion” shows in London to an end. Their first performances under the Python banner since 1980’s infamous Hollywood Bowl gig, their return to the stage was met with as much anticipation as it was trepidation – aren’t they too…
Read MoreLegendary Australian director Fred Schepisi is a busy man, already working on another film (The Olive Sisters) and a musical for next year (The Drunken Chaperone), while simultaneously promoting the release of his current film Words and Pictures, which stars Clive Owen and Juliette Binoche. A romantic comedy blended with philosophical depth, the innovative film…
Read MoreThere is fewer dialogue and exposition needed in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, the long awaited sequel to 2011’s Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and the film benefits greatly from it. While Rise was an exciting movie itself, with one of the best reboots of an old franchise in years, Dawn…
Read MoreHigh-concept films are so called because they have a premise that can be easily summed up (and sold) in one sentence or so, and many of the most successful comedies of recent years fall under that banner. A group of friends must retrace their drunken night in order to find their missing friend. A laidback…
Read MoreThere’s nothing better to do during winter than getting out of the rain and settling in to watch a movie and have a drink with friends. If you’re looking for a place that screens a range of classics and cult hits, the Golden Age Cinema & Bar in Sydney is a great choice. The intimately designed…
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