Day: 20 August 2014

the AU interview: Twenty One Pilots (USA) talk about their year on the road, returning to Australia and more…

While they were in Sydney, we caught up with US duo Twenty One Pilots who brought us up to date on their adventures since they were last in Australia – touring with Paramore back in January – we find out what the rest of the year is holding for them, about their crazy crowd surfing…

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the AU interview: Jeff Martin of The Tea Party (Canada) talks album number eight "The Ocean at the End".

the AU’s Larry Heath sits down with Jeff Martin of The Tea Party to talk about their new record The Ocean at the End – the first Tea Party LP in ten years – and the band’s upcoming Australian tour (their fourteenth of Australia) with The Superjesus. The Tea Party tour Australia through October. Grab…

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Eating with the AU: N2 Extreme Gelato (Sydney) collaborates with Almond Breeze.

Despite popping up some two years ago, amidst a world of frozen yogurt stores flooding the market, N2 Extreme Gelato has remained a unique and popular fixture in Sydney and Melbourne’s dessert scenes. Indeed, in this period, dozens of those “fro-yo” places have come and gone, while N2 captured the idea of doing something one-of-a-kind…

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the AU interview: Dewayne Everettsmith (Tasmania) talks "Surrender" and future plans…

the AU review sat down with Tasmanian Singer/Songwriter Dewayne Everettsmith before he performed in Sydney for his own shows and ahead of his performances as the special guest of Gurrumul at the Sydney Opera House (September 5th and 6th). We chat about talk about his album and single “Surrender”, future music plans and more…

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Photo Gallery: Airling, The Jezabels and Gossling join Curve Lurve at Splendour in the Grass 2014

Photographer Tom Ellwood captured Airling, The Jezabels and Gossling as they stopped by the McGrath Foundation’s “Curvey” Van at Splendour in the Grass. Part of the Curve Lurve initiative to help promote Breast Cancer Awareness in young women. Head to for more details.

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The OzFest India Diaries: A journey in ten parts…

Back in November 2012, I was lucky enough to be invited along on an trip around India with The Aussie BBQ and Australian bands Sheppard, Jinja Safari, The Aston Shuffle, Karnivool and Big Scary. Not a bad list, eh? As The Aussie BBQ – and the AU – prepares to return to India in November,…

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Win a double pass to Oz Comic-Con in Brisbane or Sydney!

Television star Nicholas Brendon is heading to Australia for Oz Comic-Con Brisbane and Sydney, becoming one of the latest celebrity guest to be added to the growing lineup for the pop culture conventions’ debut events this September. A familiar face for cult-TV fans, Brendon starred as the loveable Xander Harris alongside the titular heroine in Joss Whedon’s…

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Film Review: The Inbetweeners 2 (MA15+) (UK, 2014)

Studio executives know the value of the phrase “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That sort of thinking has led to countless terrible and lazy sequels because the film-makers know that audiences will turn up no matter what dribble they serve up onscreen. However, sometimes more of the same is a good thing. The…

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Exclusive Interview: Cast of The Inbetweeners 2 talks to The Iris about Australia, the series’ future and more.

The Iris’ Alex King sits down with the cast of The Inbetweeners 2 to talk about their roles, the film, Australia and much more… The film is released in Australian cinemas this Thursday, August 21st! ———- This content has recently been ported from its original home on The Iris and may have formatting errors –…

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Melbourne International Film Festival Review: Listen Up Philip (USA, 2014)

Listen Up Philip is relentless story telling based on relentless story tellers. Relentless seems an apt adjective to describe both the characters and the narrative, both of which rarely waiver from their over analytical tendencies and their inability to take a step back. With tongue firmly planted in cheek, Listen Up Philip documents the struggles…

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