In our 9th installment of our series “Stumbled Upon”, we meet Brisbane’s The Brave, and chat about their debut EP, Endless. Band Name: The Brave Social Media: Facebook Genre: Rock Members & their roles: Nate – Vocals Kurt – Guitar Dan – Bass Brent – Drums Dave – Guitar What music or artists inspired you?…
Read MoreAs we come to the end of 2014, we’ve been talking to a lot of our favourite local and international artists about their year in music. Few have had bigger years than Bluejuice‘s Jake Stone, who has spent the last few months playing shows to bring his time in Bluejuice to an end (though Falls…
Read MoreFollowing on from yesterday’s first ten tracks, today we bring you the next ten songs that have been voted as the best of the year by the AU review contributors. So, without any wasted time… 30. Taylor Swift – Blank Space Jules LeFevre: Tongue in cheek with a devastating hook – “Blank Space” is proof…
Read MoreIt’s that time of the year again when the AU team vote on their favourite songs of the year, resulting in our annual top 40 song list… taking in a mix of local and international music that we haven’t gotten enough of this year. We start things local though at number 40… 40. Thelma Plum…
Read MoreLast Monday, in an Australian first, a mix of media, travel industry and 100 Facebook competition winners got the chance to party on board Australia’s largest cruise ship – Royal Carribean’s Voyager of the Seas – in a Facebook Party at Sea. The party marked the relaunch of the ship after a huge multi million…
Read MoreWelcome to our new series where we take you on a culinary journey around the world, picking up our favourite food treats along the way. We begin in Hong Kong – a city for business, a city for shopping and a city for FOOD. It’s hard to go wrong when it comes to a good…
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