Day: 8 April 2015

the AU interview: Craig Schuftan (Berlin/Sydney) talks The Philosophy of Disco

Ahead of his appearance at the Melbourne branch of The School of Life to give a talk on the history and philosophy of disco we caught up with ARIA award winning author, broadcaster and radio producer Craig Schuftan to get a crash course on all things Disco; and to find out why the much mocked…

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Games Review: War for the Overworld (PC, 2015)

Let’s make no bones about this: EA’s reboot of Dungeon Keeper on mobile devices was a straight up sham. After the furore that that freemium title created, a lot of players were left with the realisation that they’d really like a new, actual, proper game in the series (that obviously didn’t nickel and dime them…

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Games Review: Dark Souls 2 – Scholar of the First Sin (Xbox One, 2015)

In an extremely bizarre twist of fate, two of From Software’s latest titles have found themselves up against one another in the same release window. The current-gen remaster Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin arrived on shelves a mere week after From’s PS4 exclusive Bloodborne exploded onto the market with a lot of…

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The Iris Interview: Christopher Nolan, Jonathan Nolan and Emma Thomas talk about working on Interstellar

Out today on Blu-Ray and DVD in Australia, Director/Writer/Producer Christopher Nolan, Writer Jonathan Nolan and Producer Emma Thomas sat down to talk about their epic space film Interstellar, following our chat last week with the cast. Interstellar is a big space adventure, but a substantive portion of the film is a very intimate family drama,…

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Win a double pass to see Blade Runner: Final Cut back on the Big Screen in Sydney VMAX!

Some of the most celebrated films are returning to the big screen at Event Cinemas George St, with their In The HouseProgram! Hosted by Channel 7’s Jason ‘Jabba’ Davis, and Quinny from Supanova Pop Culture Expo, the program features a line up that includes Mad Max 2 and The Fifth Element. A host of activities…

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Trailer released for artsy Arnold Schwarzenegger zombie flick, and it looks very promising

Gone are the days when zombie flicks are easily digested as brainless (lame pun intended) gore-fests; the now established horror trope has been adapted to provide actors with some really meaty content; there’s something about the threat of slowly transforming into a walking flesh-eater that makes room for some really great, intimate character-focused storylines (as…

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