Aloha tells the story of skeptical military contractor, Brian Gilcrest’s (Bradley Cooper), who returns to Hawaii after losing himself to the “grey side” of the military. It is here he is given a fresh start with the military and is reunited with his ex girlfriend Tracy (Rachel McAdams) after 7 years of lost contact. With the company of…
Read MoreChef Chris Irving can claim some pretty incredible career achievements, including organising a banquet for the Queen, consulting for the Spanish Noble family, feeding the Beckhams and working alongside Chef Gordon Ramsay for four years. His hard work has led to an illustrious career and status that he’s used to champion the adoption of ethically…
Read MoreIn our 52nd installment of “Stumbled Upon”, we meet Seattle’s Zebra Hunt, and chat about their upcoming Spanish tour, putting the fun back into being in a band and learn about the music that inspired them. Band Name: Zebra Hunt Website / Social Media: Facebook / Bandcamp Genre: Rock Members & their roles: Robert Mercer…
Read MoreThe third trailer for TT Games’ Lego Jurassic World is here and provides an important public service announcement about what you can expect from your stay at the world famous Jurassic World resort and theme park. Featuring the iconic John Williams score from the original film, some very familiar shots recreated in Lego and lots…
Read MoreLast month’s Episode VII splash on Vanity Fair revealed a bunch of new Star Wars characters, including Adam Driver as a de-masked Kylo Renn. Now has an exclusive photo of Andy Serkis in his role as Supreme Leader Snoke. It’s been published as part of an interview with renowned photographer Annie Leibovitz, who discusses…
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