Day: 11 July 2015

Seven acts you shouldn’t miss at the 2015 RBC Ottawa Bluesfest from July 12th until the 19th.

Photo Credit: Mark Horton Over the next 10 days, the RBC Ottawa Bluesfest (which kicked off on July 8th) is taking over Canada’s capital city, with an incredible – and vast – array of artists from around the world. The event kicked off yesterday – but as we don’t arrive at the event until July…

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Win a double pass to see I Am Big Bird!

I Am Big Bird profiles Caroll Spinney, the 80-year-old puppeteer who has been behind Sesame Street’s Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch since the show’s first season. Relying heavily on Caroll’s incredible archive of home videos dating back to the 1950s, I Am Big Bird captures how the love radiating from Caroll has created a…

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Exclusive: National Festival Director of Palace Cinemas Elysia Zeccola Hill talks on the 2015 Scandinavian Film Festival

For another year, the diversity found in Scandinavian cinema is being celebrated across Australia with the Scandinavian Film Festival. The festival has currently began in Sydney and Melbourne and will be kicking off in other major Australian cities throughout this month. To learn more about the evolution of the festival and what we can expect…

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Full trailer released for The Walking Dead Season 6

AMC has released the full trailer for season 6 of The Walking Dead at the recent Comic-Con, showing us over 4 minutes of footage from what will undoubtedly be a season fraught with tension as Rick’s aggression and restlessness continues to divide the community of Alexandria, and his own group. Throughout the trailer we catch…

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Video Game First Impressions: Dirty Bomb (PC, 2015)

Let’s get one thing straight. Dirty Bomb ain’t easy to get a hang of. Indeed, Splash Damage (Quake Wars, Brink) have created an FPS so visually similar yet entirely different to most titles in the genre that you’d be a fool for walking in with your Call of Duty swagger. The very tutorial warns you…

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