Farewell (for the next week), Overwatch. Our time with your closed beta has been memorable. You were exuberant fun as often as you were one-sided and rage-enducing. After spending a good few months in the game’s second closed beta, we come before you now to pass friendly judgement on what what we loved and where we think…
Read moreWho knew the old trope of the hard-boiled detective paired with eager up-and-coming youth set to solve crime and make safe the streets could be so smoothly re-imagined as a musical? An utterly hilarious musical at that! Ian Ferrington, writer of “The Detective’s Handbook” sure did. For hilarious it is. The audience could hardly save…
Read moreThe ultra-slick Black by Ezard has been a staple for Sydney’s discerning diners for almost five years now, maintaining the high standards of celebrity chef and owner Teage Ezard with what is presented as a modern modern grill and steak house that feels premium and casual at the same time, an ambiance upheld by it’s…
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