Day: 29 October 2017

Let me tell you about why I love PAX Aus

“Shit, have they capped the line?” wondered a 20-something woman in a home made Bayonetta cosplay, arriving only minutes before Saturday night’s Let’s Play Some Bad Dating Sims panel in the Galah Theatre. Her boyfriend, dressed less ambitiously in a tee and jeans, stared hopelessly at the line. “Guys!” I called excitedly from my position…

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The Australian Museum gets a leafy new cafe with The Garden Shed (Sydney)

In good news for art lovers planning on checking out the current exhibitions at the Australian Museum, the beloved CBD institution on William Street has just received a leafy new pop-up cafe with a dedicated crepe menu and coffee coming from reliable local roasters The Little Marionette. Dubbed The Garden Shed, the bright and breezy…

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Polish Club’s David Novak lets us know his favourite Asian eats in Sydney

Turns out David Novak of Sydney band Polish Club is quite the discerning foodie, and since we here at The AU Review are constantly in-touch with both local musicians and the local food scene we thought it best to grab his thoughts on a topic he is most passionate about: Asian food. Sydney is swarming…

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