Day: 3 November 2017

Interview: MAS1A on bringing The Irie Guide… flavour to Australia for Singapore: Inside Out

Australians are soon to get a taste of Singapore’s eclectic and thriving arts scene, when Singapore: Inside Out takes place in Sydney from November 3rd to 5th. Bringing artists from across the realms of visual arts and music, as well as some culinary boundary pushers, SG:IO is a way for Singapore to bring their cream of the crop…

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WOMADelaide secures five year license, will remain at Adelaide’s Botanic Park until 2024

Good news for WOMADelaide lovers this morning, as the South Australian Government was able to reveal that they’ve locked down the immensely popular festival through until 2024. An exclusive arrangement with WOMAD Ltd, as well as a five year license extension has guaranteed the future of the world music and arts festival in its home…

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How do the National Jazz Awards sit with the musicians vying for the prize? We find out

This weekend, the Wangaratta Festival of Jazz & Blues kicks off for its 2017 event, with artists from around Australia and abroad trekking out to the country Victorian centre for three days and nights of live music. As we mentioned in our previous feature on the festival, the National Jazz Awards has also remained a key…

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Getting an Xbox One X? Don’t have NBN? It’s important to know what you’re signing up for

As of this writing I have had our Xbox One X review unit in my home for eight days. The console, along with a generous care package of games including console exclusives, new releases and a few November headliners, arrived the Thursday afternoon before PAX Aus. I’ve been able to play three of these games…

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Batter up Walking Dead fans: Jeffrey Dean Morgan added to Sydney’s Walker Stalker Con

With Australia’s very first Walker Stalker Con, a pop convention dedicated entirely to The Walking Dead, a matter of months away, the line-up of special guests heading down under has seen a slight change. Lauren Cohen, who plays Maggie on the monstrously popular show, is sadly no longer able to make either the Sydney or…

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Optus announces winners of the Connect5 short film competition

The Optus Connect5 campaign has rewarded to Australian filmmakers, Alexi Collins, Joshua Heaton and Michael O’Neill, $10,000 each as well as a trip Singapore in recognition of their outstanding efforts in the short film competition. The two films, Save My Soul and Just For a Moment, were made by Alexi Collins with Joshua Heaton, and Michael…

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