Day: 17 June 2018

Sydney Film Festival Review: Holiday (Denmark, 2018) is an shocking, brutal and unforgettable experience… if you can stomach it

Have you ever seen a film that was so unexpected in its brutality and its disturbing content that you found it unforgettable? Well, one such example screening as part of Sydney Film Festival is Isabella Eklof‘s Holiday. Judging from the poster, you would expect some sort of exploitative saga about a woman in trouble, but through…

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Third Season of Rosehaven is ready to roll in Tasmania

The third season of the multi-award winning ABC and Sundance TV comedy series Rosehaven is set to start filming this week in Tasmania. Starring two of Australia’s famous comedians Luke McGregor (Utopia) and Celia Pacquola (Offspring), the third series finds workmates and best friends Daniel (McGregor) and Emma (Pacquola) as successful Rosehaven real estate agents. As…

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The war isn’t over yet in the latest trailer for Operation Finale

The latest trailer for the upcoming war film Operation Finale based on an incredible true story has dropped, and is set to focus on the few untold stories that carried on long after the World War 2 had ended. Taking place in 1960, Operation Finale centres around Mossad Agent Peter Malkin’s quest to capture Nazi…

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Supanova Interview: Troy Baker talks The Last of Us Part II, his own brand of “nerd” and Critical Role

Even if you don’t know the name, you’re no doubt familiar with the voice talents of Troy Baker, delivering a masterpiece of storytelling with Bioshock: Infinite and the dark and gritty PlayStation exclusive The Last of Us (among many others). Musically, Troy also has a voice you have to listen to, releasing three albums to date…

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What happens at TEDxSydney (and why you should book your ticket for next year)

If you were in the vicinity of Sydney’s ICC on Friday 15th June you may have noticed an abundance of white canvas tote bags marked with red Xs and Os. No, it wasn’t a giant game of noughts and crosses (although that would have been super fun) – the people toting said totes were taking…

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Four of Melbourne’s top bartenders plan to open new venue “Fancy Free” this year

Four bartenders who have been instrumental to the rise of Melbourne’s highly regarded Black Pearl will open a new venue in the CBD later this year. Rob Libecans, Chris Hysted-Adams, Matthew Stirling and Ryan Noreiks will lead the charge at Fancy Free, helping shape the bar as a neighbourhood watering hole in the middle of…

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