Day: 20 October 2018

Games Review: Call of Duty: Black Ops 4‘s pivot to multiplayer-only is just what the field medic ordered

I’m going to open this review with a comparison that may lose some of you right away. Sometimes, in order to learn and grow in a meaningful way, we have to cut a significant part of ourselves off. It may take us a while to work up the courage to make that change, it may…

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Rolling out Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 early for patches was a great idea — and it should happen more often

Last week, something occurred in the AAA gaming space that you don’t see every day. Players who pre-order their games digitally across Xbox, PC and PS4 are often extended the luxury of preloading games. Preloading is the process of downloading a game prior to its street date. You can’t play a pre-loaded game right away, the…

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