Day: 11 December 2018

Games Review: Super Smash Bros Ultimate (Switch, 2018) is the Greatest Hits collection you’ve always wanted

It’s been 20 years since Masahiro Sakurai became the architect of one of the riskiest experiments in Nintendo’s history. Super Smash Bros‘ dramatic origin story is well known — Sakurai had an idea for a four-player fighting game featuring Nintendo characters. Sakurai was acutely aware that getting Nintendo to approve a game about their beloved…

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Bethesda celebrates Doom‘s 25th birthday with a commemorative trailer

id Software’s Doom, the progenitor of the first person shooter genre as we know it, turns 25 today. A game that was so uniquely itself that the term First Person Shooter was invented so we could stop called them “Doom clones,” Doom is an indelible component in the gaming landscape. To commemorate the 25 year…

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Using eSports science to improve the competitive gaming: An interview with Matthew Pluss

Australia has been absolutely spoiled with the eSports scene as of late. With people like Scott Kennedy (Custa) representing us on the world stage at the Overwatch League, for the LA Valiant, with the recently sponsored JB Hi-Fi Melbourne eSports open happening, and the even more recent Quake eSports event at PAX Melbourne, not to…

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