Day: 23 December 2018

Tech Review: The Nespresso Barista is the best thing the company has done this year

Frothed or flat; hot or cold. Those were the limited options you always had with your milk every morning if you were using any Nespresso machine with its included Aeroccino frother. The company’s tech has come such a long way that the smaller, more niche details wouldn’t have bothered the majority, but for those wanting…

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Why a trip to Grow Your Own Festival needs to be in your Summer plans

It’s finally here – the Summer season of festivals that not only provide an eclectic mix of the best acts currently touring, but require a road trip which offers the chance to visit some of Australia’s most unique and stunning regional locations. Here are our top reasons for why you need to plan a road…

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Melbourne’s best New Year’s Eve parties for 2018/19

Sydney may have the more famous fireworks display, but Melbourne hold their own when it comes to raucous New Year’s Eve parties well worth heading out for. Assuming you’re not house partying this year, you’re going to want to know where the best spots are to party 2018 into the past, so we’ve rounded up…

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Theatre Review: The hilarious Peter Pan Goes Wrong hits Melbourne in time for Christmas

With Christmas just around the corner, an evening at the theatre is one of those quintessential traditions that many people venture on in order to elevate their festive spirits. Arguably, one tale in particular that seems reminiscent of the Christmas period is that of Peter Pan. Set in hibernal London during the winter, with messages…

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The best New Year’s Day parties in Sydney for 2019

Shake off that epic NYE hangover and make it a two-day binge to bring in the New Year. Sydney’s got some of the best New Year’s Day parties in the world, so sleeping it off just ain’t gonna cut it if you want to kick-start 2019 in the most epic way possible. To help, we’ve…

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Film Review: Mary Poppins Returns (USA, 2018) is a delightful return to the whimsy and magic of Disney musicals

Disney once again mines its own intellectual property for more family fun over the holiday season. Their recent trend of recreating their animated features into new “live action” films has been an ongoing and generally successful juggernaut. However with Mary Poppins Returns, they’ve opted for a new take on the Poppins tale.

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