Day: 14 April 2019

Live Review: Art of Fighting + Leo Mullins, Howler, Melbourne (11.04.19)

For what was a return to music after over a decade, Art of Fighting‘s live return on Thursday night was a low-key affair. Sporting a sold out crowd, the mid 2000’s outfit, brought Leo Mullins, along in support, with Mullins quickly garnering a crowd as excited to see them as they were the evening’s headliners. Leo Mullins…

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Film Review: Little (US, 2019) is a big disappointment

Just one week after the superhero genre gave us a Big-style blockbuster with Shazam!, we’re being offered up a by-the-numbers reverse version. Taking inspiration from the Tom Hanks classic, Little flips the age transformation and genre of its protagonist, which, for better or worse, is mildly refreshing.  By all accounts, this was the brainchild of young…

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Track of the Day: Holly Alison “Cigarette” (2019)

Australian singer/songwriter Holly Alison is back with latest pop fusion single “Cigarette”. Dubbed the “Amy Shark of Dance” by Hit 101.3, the NSW artist blends upbeat pop with electronic and RnB sounds, and previous tracks “Give Me Your Heart”, “Balance Beam” and “Come Here” have been racking up the streams on Spotify. “Cigarette” stays true…

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Book Review: Gerald Murnane’s A Season on Earth shines new light on early classic for potential Nobel winner

It is rare that at the age of eighty and after publishing sixteen books – a mixture of novels, short story collections, and non-fiction – that an author comes into the light of the public consciousness and begins to find notoriety. But the works of Gerald Murnane have begun to garner considerable interest in recent…

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