Day: 4 May 2019

Photo Gallery: Illyria + Deadspace + Yomi Ship + Waste Not – Badlands Bar, Perth (03.05.19)

Illyria launched their latest album ‘The Carpathian Summit’ at the Badlands Bar with a powerful show. Joining in on the destruction were the unrelenting Deadspace, experimental rockers Yomi Ship and post-black metal band Waste Not. Our man on the ground Stuart Sevastos was there to capture the highlights of the night.

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Film Review: Long Shot (US, 2019) could be the year’s biggest surprise package

All romantic comedies require some suspension of disbelief from an audience. These films often exist in a world of hyper-reality where two polar opposite characters somehow fall madly in love with each other. When a studio offers up something like Long Shot, a romantic comedy starring Charlize Theron and Seth Rogen, it’s hard not to raise…

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