Day: 20 August 2019

Disney+ Set To Launch In Australia and New Zealand November 2019

The streaming video on demand (SVOD) market in Australia is already teeming with both paid and free services. But another heavy hitter has now laid down a challenge to the global behemoth of Netflix and looks set to shake things up. The House of Mouse is now officially bringing Disney+ to Australia from 19 November…

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Gamescom 2019: Here’s 20 entire minutes of Marvel’s Avengers gameplay

After suffering something of a false start at its cinematic-only E3 reveal in June, Marvel’s Avengers has finally pulled back the curtain with a lengthy look at gameplay. The trailer clocks in at just shy of 20 minutes, and focuses on what appears to be the early part of the game, beginning with Thor fighting…

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Track of the Day: Royal And The Southern Echo “Don’t Think About Me” (2019)

Brisbane’s Royal And The Southern Echo (otherwise known as Bryce Schneider) is back, with the brilliant “Don’t Think About Me“. Catchy, with a seriously good 80s vibe, this one was meant to be played loud and sung along to even louder! Schneider says: “Look, I’d say on the surface people might interpret “Don’t Think About…

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