Day: 17 October 2019

Film Review: Maleficent: Mistress of Evil is a messy darker watch that fails to live up to its potential

Back in 2014 Disney decided to release a movie about one of their most iconic villains. Maleficent, the evil fairy and protector of the Moors was a rather ambiguous character in the film adaptation. Toeing the line of an antihero, as she fought to protect her realm against the twisted King Stefan whilst also befriending…

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What to expect from Google Pixel 4

Google is going big with Soli radar technology on the long-awaited Pixel 4, the company’s new flagship smartphone which will no doubt be the centre of many techy discussions for the rest of 2019. Not only this, but they’ve taken more than a few of their product lines a step forward, announcing a new laptop,…

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What we know so far about Google’s new Pixel Buds

While we’re sure more is still to be revealed about Google’s recently announced truly wireless Pixel Buds 2 due for release early 2020, the company’s annual event in New York City gave us some pretty exciting details. Although only time will tell if these new rivals to Apple’s AirPods, and the superior offerings from Bose,…

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Exclusive Single Premiere: Jordan Merrick “Dangerously Sincere” (2019)

The debut album from Jordan Merrick is about to drop, but before it does we have the Exclusive Single Premiere of “Dangerously Sincere”, prior to its release from this Brisbane-based singer-songwriter.  Two singles have already been released from the album, “Low Country”, which we premiered back in June of this year, and more recently “I…

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Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince Review: Laughs, puzzles and beauty

Rarely do you find a puzzle role-playing game where the abilities you use to succeed are as eccentric as its cast of characters. Rarer still is the opportunity to share that experience with another player. This is why the Trine series is so important to me. With Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince, developer Frozenbyte has…

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Track of the Day: Friendship “You Might Already Know” (2019)

Philly outfit Friendship are polishing off a brand new album, Dreamin’, slated to hit in just a few weeks. It follows 2017 sleeper hit Shock Out of Season, and has so far been previewed with singles “Clairvoyant” and, most recently, “You Might Already Know”. The latter track, earnest and thoughtful, has vocalist Dan Wiggins really…

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What to do in Sydney over the next few weeks (October-November)

Entering an immersive world of alt-circus performers and steampunk oddities, watching in awe as one of the most beautiful coastal walks in the world is transformed by art, and taking part in deep, serious and playful discussions about what goes on in a city after the sun sets. These are just a few of the…

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