American Composer/Conductor Evan Ziporyn opened a two-night residency in Elder Hall with a world premiere featuring new arrangements of Fripp/Eno’s “Evening Star, Side A”; Laraaji’s “Dances From Day of Radiance” plus his own “Frog’s Eye” and an Ambient Orchestra arrangement of Satie‘s Gymnopedies. Ziporyn addresses the audience at the start of the show to explain…
Read moreWashed ashore on the island of Janda Baik, sisters Muni and Satki have no memory of their former lives. Mak Genggang, the region’s foremost witch, knows a curse when she sees it and in the mortal Muna and the magical Satki, it’s clear as day to her what has happened. Unable, or unwilling, to answer…
Read moreJulia Jacklin has had a massive start to 2019. With international tours and the release of her second album Crushing already in the bin, it looks like this year could be one for the record books. Returning to Sydney’s Metro Theatre almost two years since her last headline national tour, the Blue Mountains native wooed…
Read moreWith support from Annie Hamilton and Olympia, Julia Jacklin debuted her new album Crushing to a sold out Metro Theatre on Friday night. Belinda Dipalo was there to bring you these photos.
Read moreMegan Washington graced the floating Riverbank Palais on Friday night following a season which included Augie March, J Mascis, Sarah Blasco, and They Might Be Giants. Washington’s performance included a four-string accompaniment for some of the songs, adding an ethereal feeling to an already magical space. There were crowd favourites and plenty of banter about…
Read more“Hit The Ground” is the new single from Jersey born indie pop artist Tadhg Daly. With only two singles to his name so far, Daly has been slowly been making a name for himself in the UK. Whilst he’s only been performing for a relatively short period of time, he’s been invited to play at…
Read moreImagine the photo shoot for Bob Dylan’s Freewheelin’ or concerts like: Woodstock, Johnny Cash’s gigs at Folsom and San Quentin, and The Beatles’s last official show at Candlestick Park. Most of us would trade our left hands to have been there. But if you were Jim Marshall, you could boast that you went and shot…
Read moreWith support from Harvey Sutherland, Houston trio Khruangbin performed to a sold out Metro Theatre in Sydney last night as part of their debut Australian tour. Belinda Dipalo was there to bring you these photos.
Read moreIt would be a mistake to describe Foehn as a puppet show. Not because that is wrong, but because it is much more than that. French performance artist Phia Ménard became a juggler, performance artist and director of the Compagnie Non Nova in the 1990’s. She describes the movement of air as being present at…
Read moreIntel Extreme Masters Sydney 2019 is a mere two months away. Boasting a $250,000 prize pool, IEM Sydney is Australia’s premiere esports tournament, attracting some of the biggest names in competitive gaming from here at home and around the world. To date, a total of five teams have been invited to compete in this year’s…
Read moreI haven’t watched the movie School of Rock in maybe 10 years, but from memory there’s a scene where Jack Black’s character talks about sticking it to the man, as well as singing a song with lyrics “you’re not hard core, unless you live hardcore.” While Stella Donnelly may not be a middle aged man…
Read moreMelbourne based singer-songwriters Jade Alice and Ivoris have combined their talents for brand new single “Flower”, a gentle electro-pop song with echoes of the likes of Taylor Swift and Lana Del Rey (though perhaps with a little less angst!). Friends since childhood, Jade Alice and Ivoris have blended their distinctive sounds together and “Flower” is…
Read moreFromSoftware are good at making games writers nervous. We head along to these hands-on previews with our heads held high (metaphorically, many of us have terrible posture), confident in our ability to kick some serious digital ass and wow any observers with our mad skills. Demon’s Souls? A cake walk. Bloodbourne? Orphan of Kos was…
Read moreFinding a way to continue Eagles without Glenn Frey, who passed in 2016, must have been difficult. How does one treat a legacy so treasured by music fans the world over, after a loss so deep? The answer, in this case anyway, is actually quite simple. “We aren’t the same band we once were”, founding…
Read moreOn a glorious public holiday Monday it was Melbourne’s turn to bask in the glory of all things metal at Download Festival. Kerrie Geier went along for the AU review and brings us shots of Slayer, Ghost, Sum 41, Rise Against, High Tension, Anthrax and more.
Read moreChristine and the Queens performed to an eager and packed Enmore Theatre in Sydney on Sunday night as part of their debut Australian tour. Our photographer Belinda Dipalo was there to bring you these photos from the night.
Read moreWith the sun pelting down as you walked in, Download Festival was off to a hot one in Melbourne. Luca Brasi helped kick things off, with a set on one of the two main stages. I Prevail were an early highlight, too, as punters piled into the Flemington Racecourse. Eric Vanlerberghe’’s vocals punched through the air and drew a…
Read moreA small, gentle drum pattern sits behind “BKLYNLDN” (Brooklyn London), the incredibly effective new single from English synthpop artist Shura. And it’s simplicity which defines this new offering, giving Shura a swooning backdrop for her remarkably delicate performance, illustrated by the embrace of two women in a blue-tinged music video. The song’s visuals are inseparable…
Read morePerth’s Noah Dillon has exploded on to the national scene of late, garnering attention from Triple J and punters up and down Australia’s East Coast on his recent tour. So, we’re particularly excited today to bring the exclusive premiere of a live studio video of his latest single “Holding On”. Recorded live at Tunafish Studio,…
Read moreThe Occupation immediately hit me with a refreshing change of pace. For a game of this nature, throwing you into the thick of a terrorist plot might seem like an action packed outing, but rather takes the subdued approach, opting for investigative intrigue over the running and gunning. It’s safe to say that The Occupation…
Read moreHailing from the Gold Coast, Indie Pop Rock rising star San Mei (AKA Emily Hamilton) is in Austin this week to play at the iconic SXSW event, with a run of appearances that includes our very own showcase at the event, which is happening this Thursday night. We caught up with Emily to find out more…
Read moreThe Redhead Cabaret is a company of red-haired performers with a mission to share all the energy and pizzaz that this genetic disposition boasts. So reads the manifesto to this late night cabaret. As the sold out crowd fills the tent, a schoolteacher with a whip and a boy in a g-string stand on stage…
Read moreThe first year of the new showcase festival The New Colossus kicked off on Thursday night, taking over the lower east side of New York City not unlike CMJ had done for so many years. In fact taking over venues like Pianos, The Delancey (home to The Aussie BBQ during CMJ) and Arlene’s Grocery brought…
Read moreThe Australian media landscape is constantly shifting as technology disrupts how people access and absorb news. We’re seeing downsizing in the publishing and publication sector such as newspapers and magazines. Social media means fast but not always reliable or qualitative information. Interestingly enough the rise of podcasts has seen them become not just for entertainment…
Read moreEver made a quick getaway from a party without saying goodbye? Skipped class without permission? Clicked attending on Facebook and never actually attended? Well, turns out there’s a word for that. It’s called a “French exit”, which also happens to be the name of the latest track from brass fuelled power pop quintet Maurice and the…
Read moreMelbourne quartet Plotz are kick starting their 2019 this week with the release of “Baby Shakes”, their first single since their EP All Up The Wall And Down The Street in 2017, and the first from the band’s forthcoming EP, which is due for release later this year. Ahead of the official release of “Baby Shakes”…
Read moreThe Titanic had the Unsinkable Molly Brown. Texas meanwhile, had the unstoppable Molly Ivins. This tall, flame-haired woman was an outspoken, political commentator with a razor-sharp wit. Raise Hell is a documentary that covers every inch of this larger-than-life character. This film is the first documentary to be made about this formidable subject. It’s hard…
Read moreThe “hotel within a hotel” concept has been done before in Las Vegas; it didn’t work out particularly well for Marriott’s famously funky W brand – although location had a lot to do with it – but the concept has proven viable before, particularly with long-standing favourite Nobu Hotel. It’s an interesting approach to redefining…
Read moreOriginally from the Sunshine Coast, and now based in the UK, Australian duo Star Kendrick & Toma Banjanin make up the rising outfit Geowulf. They’re in Austin this week to play at the iconic SXSW event, with a run of appearances that includes our very own showcase at the event, which is happening this Thursday…
Read moreIn what has now become an annual tradition, Tom Flanagan of Donut Diner has presented the third Donut Olympics in the Garden of Unearthly Delights. Teams from Security, FOH, Box Office, event staff and even circus performers and Barbu pitted their skills for the dubious honour of Donut Champions. Events included a watermelon eating contest,…
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