Year: 2019

The Capital One House at SXSW has announced a PACKED lineup for 2019

The Capital One House at Antone’s always has an impressive lineup; but this year’s collection of acts from around the world just might take the cake. The event, which runs alongside the Interactive portion of SXSW, often hosts exclusive performances ahead of the main music conference, with world class artists who need little introduction nor the…

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Film Review: Greta (Ireland/USA, 2018) is B-grade schlock elevated by A-grade credentials in all the right ways

If there’s a bias I have as a film critic, it is that I have an affinity for seeing established actors give unhinged performances in film that accommodate said performance. Most of these performances are usually in thriller genres, like the psycho-logical subgenre. Yes, the use of the hyphen is intentional, as those films delve…

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Five shows not to miss at Melbourne’s Brunswick Music Festival

Spanning over the course of the next two weeks, from the third until the seventeenth, the 2019 Brunswick Music Festival is hosting some of the premier music acts from around the globe. With a long list of acts and activities, speakers and galleries to view spanning over such a long period, it can make it…

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Photo Gallery: Hanson + The Million – Melbourne Zoo, Melbourne (01.03.19)

Hanson were an audible treat at Melbourne Zoo during the early evening on Friday, helped along by their support act The Million. AU photographer Danny was there to bring us these highlights.

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Live Review: The Delta Riggs + Tiny Little Houses + Bec Sandridge + Eliza and The Delusionals – The Croxton Bandroom, Melbourne (01.03.19)

Set alight with the classic Australian indie sound, Melbourne’s Croxton Bandroom hosted a number of growing Australian bands on Friday night. There to celebrate the Melbourne outfit, The Delta Riggs on their ‘The Unscramble Your Lids’ tour, Eliza and The Delusionals, Bec Sandridge, and Tiny Little Houses were all present for the final show of…

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Photo Gallery: Twelve Foot Ninja + Voyager + Yalla Yalla – Rosemount Hotel, Perth (02.03.19)

Twelve Foot Ninja kicked off their Upload Tour at the Rosemount Hotel with an awesome show. Joining in on the fun were the impressive Voyager, and Perth prog rockers Yalla Yalla. Our photographer Stuart Sevastos was on the ground to capture these highlights from the night. The tour continues in Canberra this Friday, March 8th,…

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Photo Gallery: Rita Ora + Sammi Constantine – Big Top, Sydney (02.03.19)

UK pop sensation Rita Ora‘s debut Australian tour rolled into Sydney on the weekend, with Sammi Constantine supporting. AU photographer Belinda brings us these shots from the night.

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Book Review: Monica Tan’s debut Stranger Country may inspire you on your own adventure around Australia

Monica Tan’s first novel, Stranger Country, will take you on a 30,000km journey of discovery around selected parts of Australia. Tan is Chinese Australian, but at thirty-two, felt that she didn’t know as much about Australia’s history as she did about China’s. In a bid to change that, Tan embarked on a journey around parts…

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Food Review: Duncan Welgemoed (Africola) & Shannon Martinez (Smith & Daughters) cooked up mouth-watering dishes at their Carriageworks Masterclass

Carriageworks host an excellent farmers market every Saturday. They also feature chefs’ masterclasses which showcase the markets excellent and sustainable produce. Duncan Welgemoed of Adelaide’s Africola hosted the March edition with Shannon Martinez from Fitzroy’s vegan mecca, Smith & Daughters. They cooked up delicious dishes that were influenced by different cultural influences and fused together…

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Alliance Française French Film Festival Review: Wine Calling (France, 2018) toasts France’s organic wine industry

It is not uncommon to see reviewers describe a film as “Like a love letter” to something. In the case of French documentary, Wine Calling this is also true, but given the subject matter a toast seems more appropriate. This film is a deep dive into the worlds inhabited by a group of passionate and…

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Live Review: Arctic Monkeys treat Sydney to a mixed cocktail of hits

It’s been widely reported that the opening line of Arctic Monkeys’ most recent – and divisive – album, Tranquility Base Hotel & Casino, was about Alex Turner just wanting to be one of The Strokes. If you’re going to take away one thing about that line ( a line that very well could have been…

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Live Review: Hanson + The Million – Melbourne Zoo (01.03.2019)

I thought I knew what to expect going to see Hanson perform as part of Zoo Twilights at Melbourne Zoo. Being the fan that I am, I also saw them earlier this week at the Palais Theatre on their String Theory Tour – and to say I was underwhelmed by this tour would be an…

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Alliance Française French Film Festival Review: The Sisters Brothers (USA/France, 2018) is at once frustrating and fascinating

With a title like The Sisters Brothers, one would be forgiven for assuming that Jacques Audiard‘s off-centred western would be something of a comedy.  Whilst there’s moments of black humour peppered throughout Audiard’s English-language debut – which makes its inclusion in this year’s Alliance Francaise French Film Festival all the more curious – this is…

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Alliance Francaise French Film Festival Review: Revenge is a beautifully realized and pointedly subversive piece of exploitation

It isn’t hard to figure out that the reason why a lot of people watch movies is because of wish fulfillment. Who wouldn’t want to be in a fairy tale romance? Who wouldn’t want to be a kick-ass hero? But another level of wish fulfillment is to see people get revenge on those who have…

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Photo Gallery: Australian LGBTI Awards – The Star, Sydney (01.03.19)

Celebrities and guests walked the red carpet for the 2019 Australian LGBTI Awards held at The Star in Sydney. Photographer Nathan Atkins was there to bring us these shots.

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Photo Gallery: Deafheaven + Divide And Dissolve – Corner Hotel, Melbourne (27.02.19)

American post-metal band Deafheaven returned to Melbourne to play an incredibly intense and powerful show at the Corner Hotel. Photos by Rebecca Houlden.

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Track of the Day: J.S. Ondara “Torch Song” (2019)

“Torch Song” is a melancholic and yearning track from Tales of America, the debut album from singer-songwriter J.S. Ondara. It is a track and indeed an album firmly rooted in the worlds of Americana and folk music, with Ondara citing Bob Dylan, amongst others, as an influence, but there’s something a twist to the tale. …

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Album Review: Night Lovell’s GOODNIGHT LOVELL (2019 LP) does the job, but still falls a little short

Night Lovell has remained an underground heavyweight in the trap scene, with dark and harrowing production, with booming bass and some emo-inspired elements. Lovell deploys quick flows over these gruesome instrumentals, with all the trace elements of typical flex rapping, but altered to fit a completely different mood. With this new album, Lovell is looking…

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Track of the Day: Trupa Trupa “Dream About” (2019)

Polish psych-pop quartet Trupa Trupa are the newest signees to legendary Seattle label, Sub Pop. With the promise of new music later in the year, the band has released an official video for their track “Dream About” to hold fans over in the meantime. Boosted by a gloomy bassline that would heighten the tension in…

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Photo Gallery: Arctic Monkeys + Mini Mansions – Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne (26.02.19)

Arctic Monkeys‘ Australian & New Zealand tour hit Melbourne on Tuesday night, joining the band were Mini Mansions. The AU’s Rebecca Houlden was there to capture all the action. The tour continues to Sydney for two shows on Friday and Saturday, before heading to Brisbane. For more information and to get tickets for the remaining shows…

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Nintendo announces revolutionary Pokemon Sword and Shield

Those (everyone) who saw it coming when Game Freak announced that they would be working on a set of mainline Pokemon titles for Nintendo Switch have finally got the revelation that they’ve been waiting for. We all clamored over each other for the fairly recent Pokemon Let’s Go titles, and now it seems that we’ve…

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the AU review announces its first ever SXSW official showcase as final 10th Birthday celebration with Hello Asia!

In our 10th year of covering SXSW on the AU review, we’re thrilled to reveal the lineup for our first ever official showcase at the iconic Austin event. Partnering with our sister publication Hello Asia!, the event will feature three Australian acts and two acts from Japan and one from Korea. It’s all happening at…

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Album Review: Gary Clark Jr. – This Land (2019 LP)

The bluesman appears to have become a rare and shy character in the age of synthesizers and auto tune. Still some loyal guitar heroes keep on carrying the torch for the moody genre. Among them is Texas born and raised guitarist and singer Gary Clark Jr. Even though he clearly has a passion for the…

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Final Fantasy IX Review: A grand adventure at home on the Switch

Claiming Final Fantasy IX is your favourite of the PSOne era FF titles is a bit like saying Ringo is your favourite Beatle — most people think you’re a wanker and that there are far better musicians in the group. But what Ringo fans know is that he’s often unfairly overlooked. Sure, he’s responsible for…

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Dirt Rally 2.0 Review: The Very Top of the Podium

As a major racing fan, it’s no secret that developer Codemasters is quickly becoming the king of racing games, nearly perfecting the Formula 1 racing series. Dirt Rally 2.0 is absolutely no exception, proving to be not only one of the best rally games from Codemasters, but one of the best rally games of all…

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Exclusive EP Premiere: Chakra Efendi – Until The Children Grow Old (2019 EP)

We’re excited today to be premiere, Until The Children Grow Old, the debut EP from the Brisbane via Sunshine Coast singer-songwriter Chakra Efendi. At only nineteen years old, Efendi has already built something of a dedicated cult both at home and overseas thanks to a series of demos posted to SoundCloud. Demos, which to date,…

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Ape Out Review: Guns, gore and gorillas

Ape Out is not a terribly long game, but it is a fun one. It’s an entertaining and creative riff on the format popularised by Hotline Miami, a barbarous explosion of violence that belies its more rhythm-based gameplay. You play an angry, caged gorilla ready to throw off the shackles of oppression and embark on…

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ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove Review: Bumpy ride in the Way Back Machine

I’ll preface this review by saying that despite owning a Sega Mega Drive, I never played either of the original ToeJam & Earl games in their heyday. I also never played the series’ abortive third entry on the original Xbox either, though I understand that this is probably for the best. Well may you say,…

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Track of the Day: Your Smith “Bad Habit” (Japanese Wallpaper Remix)

New Neon Gold signing Your Smith is about to hit Australian shores for the first time, following the release of the Japanese Wallpaper remix of this track, “Bad Habit”, our Track of the Day. Minneapolis native Your Smith a.k.a. Caroline Smith relocated to Los Angeles in 2016, where inspired by the cherished songwriters of her youth, she…

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Interview: Ben Okri talks The Freedom Artist and literary festivals

Whilst he was in the country for both Perth Writers Week and Adelaide Writers’ Week, I had the chance to sit down with author, poet and Man Booker Prize winning novelist Ben Okri to chat about his new novel The Freedom Artist. Set in a world uncomfortably like our own, The Freedom Artist is a…

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