Day: 21 August 2020

Flight Simulator

Microsoft Flight Simulator Review: Wings of liberty

I knew from the first that Microsoft Flight Simulator was something special. More than just a graphical showpiece, it had a clear goal in mind — to instill the joy and wonder of flight in anyone who decides to install it. It worked. From the earliest trailers, it captured the industry’s attention, an industry that…

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Naked Giants Band

‘Looking Past the Pandemic’ with Naked Giants from Seattle, USA

Keeping travel dreams alive and setting goals has never felt more important. We can all agree that 2020 has been an unfortunate year so far, and almost every facet of daily life has been wrought by this ongoing global pandemic, the start of which now feels like forever ago. The arts has been one of…

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Exclusive Video Premiere: Miss Lucy “Ocean” (2020)

After working on many projects with artists such as Eliza and The Delusionals and SAV, the Gold Coast based artist Miss Lucy also known as Blair Condon has made big moves this year by breaking out as a new solo artist. The multi-instrumentalist and producer has made headlines over debut single “All In A Day”…

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‘Looking Past the Pandemic’ with Pillow Queens from Dublin, Ireland

Keeping travel dreams alive and setting goals has never felt more important. We can all agree that 2020 has been an unfortunate year so far, and almost every facet of daily life has been wrought by this ongoing global pandemic, the start of which now feels like forever ago. The arts has been one of…

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Messina hooks up with Coco Pops for white chocolate gelato

Seeing as just about every brand in Australia has Gelato Messina on their ‘must collaborate’ list, it was only a matter of time before Kellogg’s tapped the dessert lords to help celebrate the relatively new White Chocolate version of the company’s famed Coco Pops. From September 1st, Gelato Messina will be slinging a Coco Pops…

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Imogen Clark

Interview: Imogen Clark on recording her EP The Making Of Me and moving to Nashville

Sydney singer-songwriter Imogen Clark drops her latest EP today, The Making of Me. It’s been a tumultuous 18 months or so for Clark. The cumulative effect of back-to-back European and Northern American tours, the ending of a significant relationship and other difficulties faced in her personal life, led to some much-needed soul-searching. This led to…

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Track of the Day: Georgia Mae “Soul Like This” (2020)

Australian singer-songwriter Georgia Mae has skyrocketed with success this year and has released her latest track “Soul Like This” with Lemon Tree Records/Sony Music Entertainment Australia. “Soul Like This” is a graceful tune with an entanglement of acoustics and stunning emotive vocals from Mae. The track tells a powerful message of loving and finding yourself…

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