Day: 7 February 2021

Theatre Review: Belvoir’s Fangirls is a teen dream hypercolour pop party

Being a teenage girl is rough. Expectations are high, bodies are changing, social media is all consuming and society deems your interests as silly. There have been countless attempts to represent teen girl culture both on stage and screen, yet most rarely seem to get it right. Originally premiering in 2019, Fangirls attracted a buzz…

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Sundance Film Festival Review: Eight for Silver is an enjoyably gnarly time from director Sean Ellis

Set in the late 1800s, a pathologist John McBride (Boyd Holbrook) has been sent to a distant village that has been terrorized by a wild animal, resulting in numerous deaths. He has been sent there to find a missing child; whom the parents (Alistair Petrie and Mary Reilly) presume with utter conviction that he is…

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Photo Gallery: USER + The Howling Fog + The Condos + Visitors – Jive, Adelaide (05.02.21)

DARK TRANSMISSIONS: psyched-out Shoegaze, Post-Punk, Synth and Noise taking you on a hazy and hypnotic Ride. Melbourne band USER made the trip over to join local Adelaide bands The Howling Fog, The Condos and Visitors. John Goodridge was there and brings us these photos from the night.

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