Day: 13 June 2021

Tribeca Film Festival Review: Shapeless‘ important message is undone by its minimalistic approach

Given that Shapeless is an incredibly personal film to lead actress and writer Kelly Murtagh, detailing a disorder that cripples many, it’s a somewhat painful experience to be framing a review in a negative light. There’s a dark, unforgiving movie in here somewhere, one that expresses no fear in manifesting her struggle with bulimia in…

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Mario Rabbids Sparks Hope

E3 2021: Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope announced, E3 is good again

Mario, Peach, Luigi and the Rabbids have taken to the stars in Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope, the sequel to the biggest surprise hit of 2017. Touching down on a mysterious new planet, the team encounters a new foe, Cursa. And so the battle begins anew. For those who may have forgotten, Mario + Rabbids…

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Far Cry 6 E3

New Far Cry 6 trailer lets Giancarlo Esposito chew the scenery

Ubisoft has dropped yet another trailer for Far Cry 6 during its E3 2021 presentation. The most memorable part of any Far Cry game is obviously the villain. When you have an actor as talented as Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad, The Mandalorian) in your cast, you let them chew the scenery. That’s exactly what this case…

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Riders Republic

Riders Republic still looks like complete chaos

Riders Republic, Ubisoft’s frenetic take on open-world competition games like Forza Horizon, is coming this September. A brand new trailer, giving the most detailed look at the game to date, dropped during this morning’s Ubisoft Forward E3 stream. The game revolves around extreme sports. Just a few featured in the trailer — snowboarding, hang gliding…

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Rainbow Six Extraction

E3 2021: New Rainbow Six Extraction trailers

After going dark throughout the pandemic, Rainbow Six Extraction has returned at last. Extraction, which dropped its old subtitle, Quarantine, for obvious reasons, is a Left 4 Dead style co-op shooter. Teams are small, only 1-3 players, with Operator characters, pulled from the popular Rainbow Six Seige. Unlike Left 4 Dead, however, what you are going…

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