Day: 13 October 2021

Jaguar Jonze

Track of the Week: Jaguar Jonze “WHO DIED AND MADE YOU KING?” (2021)

Brisbane-based singer/songwriter, artist, producer and all-round visionary Jaguar Jonze has released “WHO DIED AND MADE YOU KING?”, a blistering take-down on those that misuse their power in the music industry. This is the first release since her Antihero (EP) that was released earlier in the year. Jaguar Jonze is the moniker for Deena Lynch, and…

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Album Review: Sam Teskey’s debut Cycles powerfully captures the beauty of life

Music often has the power to capture the singular highlights within our lives, but rarely can it capture the flow and change of the entire process. Nonetheless, Australian blues artist and Grammy-nominated sound engineer, Sam Teskey, has managed to do that, telling the journey of… us. From womb to death; sonically using music to add…

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Singapore gaming conference Gaming Matters to go live online internationally tomorrow

Digital and live event producers Branded recently announced the full conference program and speaker lineup for Gaming Matters, one of Asias’ longest running gaming industry conferences. And this year, Australians, and those from aorund the world, will be able to tune in live, as the event goes into a hybrid online and in person format….

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Cookin' On 3 Burners

Cookin’ On 3 Burners give us their Top 5 Dream Collaborators

The legendary Cookin’ On 3 Burners recently released the blazing “The World Is Cold”, featuring Melbourne rapper Mantra and vocalist Jane Tyrell. It has that classic 3 Burners funk with attitude a-plenty as they mix up an enticing blend of contrasts, of sugar and spice, of heat and ice. It’s razor-sharp and as soothing as…

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Lou P Scarlett

Exclusive Single Premiere: Lou P Scarlett “Hungry” (2021)

How big is your appetite? That’s the question asked by Sydney electro-pop artist Lou P Scarlett in the catchy “Hungry”, which we have the exclusive premiere of, ahead of its release on Friday. This is a tune with a big driving beat and a happily contagious chorus, which can’t help but put a smile. She sings…

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CSI Told You Lies

Book Review: Meshel Laurie’s CSI Told You Lies puts the truth back into True Crime

They call it the CSI effect. The TV show has become so popular that individuals on juries are questioning the experts because the evidence doesn’t resemble TV. Comedian and podcaster, Meshel Laurie’s latest book, CSI Told You Lies is an intriguing look behind the scenes at the professionals working in homicide and victim identification. Laurie…

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It’s always someone you know in first Scream trailer

“What’s your favourite scary movie?” 25 years ago it was a question posed to Neve Campbell in Wes Craven’s now genre classic Scream, and come January 2022 a new generation of fresh blood will have their knowledge similarly tested in, well, Scream. Less a sequel and more a reinvention, Scream will pay homage to Craven’s…

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