Day: 30 December 2021

Nova Onas, Clayton Watson, Suzan Mutesi, Nasser Sultan

Clayton Watson attends The Matrix Resurrection screening with local celebrities in Sydney

Clayton Watson, ‘The Kid’ in The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions attended the red carpet screening of The Matrix Resurrection at United Cinemas Opera Quays along with local celebrities Nasser Sultan, Emma Roche, Kamahl and others last night. Nathan Atkins was there to bring us these photos.

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Film Review: Ghostbusters: Afterlife heavily winks to fans of the original in its bid to conjure up nostalgia

There’s a lot of DNA shared between Jason Reitman‘s Ghostbusters: Afterlife and the 1984 original that his father, Ivan Reitman, helmed to fruition.  But it’s not just a familial bond that links the respective films, with several portions of the film’s plot and its character line-up clearly based off what came those near-four decades prior. …

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