Day: 28 February 2022

Stella Prize announces 2022 longlist, with poetry collections making the cut for the first time

“What is original, what is excellent, what is engaging?” These were the guiding principles for this year’s panel of Stella Prize judges, who were tasked with choosing a longlist of just 12 from more than 200 entries across fiction, non fiction, graphic novels and poetry. The prize, now in its ninth year, was founded in…

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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet announced along with new starters

Two new mainline Pokémon games have been announced at this morning’s Pokémon Presents broadcast. With Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet both on track for a late 2022 release on the Nintendo Switch, the ninth generation of Pokémon games isn’t messing around, what with Pokémon Legends: Arceus having released earlier this year. This morning’s reveal trailer…

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Film Review: Gasoline Alley is a lazy, ugly thriller that furthers the sad decline of Bruce Willis’ career

Another day, another Bruce Willis direct-to-DVD effort that continues the odd, sad decline of his career.  Keeping in tune with the last dozen or so efforts he has sleepwalked his way through (that is if he decides to actually show up for filming that day), Willis barely registers in Gasoline Alley, the fourth collaboration with…

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This weekend’s best Mardi Gras day party is a Sunday roast in Camperdown

While Sydney is no doubt going to be jam-packed with fun things to do during Mardi Gras weekend, we’ve gone and picked out just one event that we think will be essential come next weekend. That’s the Absolut and Heaps Gay party in Camperdown on Sunday 6th March, fashioned as a Sunday roast but moving…

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OlliOlli World Review : Rolling with the fun

The third entry in the OlliOlli series combines the fun of learning to skate on shiny new consoles alongside an expansive world with varying locations that constantly change up the way you play. Developer Roll7 has incorporated a story mode into the series this time around with an overhaul of the graphics engine adding a…

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