Month: October 2022

Here Be Leviathans

Book Review: Here Be Leviathans cements Chris Flynn’s place as one of Australia’s most unique literary voices

Author Chris Flynn was the mastermind behind my favourite novel of 2020, Mammoth. Now he’s back with a new collection of short fiction/stories, Here Be Leviathans. And, it’s quite probably my favourite book of 2022. Collected over a period of ten years, the stories in Here Be Leviathans show an author who is full of…

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PGA Tour 2K23 Preview: Aiming for the fairway

My time spent playing golfing games is sporadic to say the least. I suck at the sport itself, but can respect the patience and nuanced skillset required to succeed. That being said, PGA Tour 2K21 piqued my interested in the sport once again, providing a detailed yet accessible control schemes and found myself admittedly addicted…

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