Day: 14 May 2023

Live Review: Damien Rice stuns us into silence at the Sydney Opera House (11.05.23)

Five songs into his spellbinding set, Irish singer-songwriter Damien Rice genuinely lets the crowd decide what he’s going to play next. There are screams. Many. And just about every single one of them are shouting out a different song title (the winner was “Woman Like A Man”) Such is how highly regarded Rice is amongst…

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Film Review: Plane embraces genre simplicity and delivers on B-grade popcorn thrills

With Gerard Butler‘s name attached, and the most simplistic of titles on hand, you’d be right in thinking such a film as Plane is going to deliver on the bare minimum; It’ll be big, loud, non-sensical, heavy on testosterone and light on narrative. And whilst aspect of those expectations aren’t far off the mark, Jean-François…

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