Day: 21 August 2023

Tech Review: The Motorola Razr 40 Ultra is a solid foldable handset

Motorola has been ahead of the game in terms of flip phones and cutting-edge technology, with previous iterations of this iconic phone dating all the way back to 1996. Since then, they have been perfecting their craft, which feels like it has led up to the release of the Razr 40 Ultra, a premium flip…

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Le She

Interview: Afro pop singer-songwriter Le She makes the move to Perth alongside new release

Le She is leaning back in his chair, framed by the city lights, looking thoroughly at home in the suave Ritz-Carlton meeting room. Adorned with a tasteful amount of gold and silver, and clad in a black leather jacket, he’s the sort of person who looks like they’re about to leave Perth, not someone who’s…

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