Day: 14 October 2023

Ink is an entertaining story of Rupert Murdoch’s first Fleet Street success

Ink, a play by James Graham, tells the compelling story of the first year of Rupert Murdoch’s purchase of The Sun newspaper in 1969. Initially performed in London’s West End in 2017, this performance from the University of Adelaide Theatre Guild by directors Robert Bell and Rebecca Kemp takes place in the Little Theatre, buried…

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Live Review: It was worth the wait, as Peach Pit rocks Northcote Theatre, Melbourne (11.10.23)

Sometimes, a band can inspire a following from early in their career but might not have the means to tour in Australia. Unfortunately, this was the case for Peach Pit, who had been unable to tour Australia throughout their career until now. With a substantial Australian fanbase, there had been long waits and some uncertainty…

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Photo Gallery: Peach Pit + Eliza and the Delusionals – Northcote Theatre, Melbourne (11.10.23)

Wednesday saw the first performance of Peach Pit in Australia at the Northcote Theatre in Melbourne, and they did not disappoint. The band put on a fantastic performance, alongside opener Eliza and the Delusionals. Dan was there to bring you these images, and you can read his review of the show HERE.  

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