Day: 28 October 2023

Bring Him To Me‘s masculine energy can’t mask its genre unoriginality: Brisbane International Film Festival Review

Having dealt with a duo of alien invasions for his Occupation films, it makes sense that Australian filmmaker Luke Sparke would want to look at something a little more grounded for his next cinematic feat.  Whilst still working with an exaggerated mentality, Bring Him To Me is a crime thriller that bathes in a smaller,…

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Interview: My Cousin Vlad chats about his journey from real estate agent to comedian

Landing by accident on the comedy scene in 2019, My Cousin Vlad is Australia’s first official ‘Immaculagent’. A real estate agent by day, and an observational professor by night… actually… by day as well. While on his CATASTROPHA National Tour, and ahead of his shows in Newcastle, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth, we called him to…

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