Day: 23 November 2023

Film Review: Napoleon; Ridley Scott’s ambition fails to match the execution of disjointed epic

Despite the grandeur of some of its large scale battle sequences and reliable talent across the board, there’s a disjointedness to Ridley Scott‘s Napoleon that renders it shockingly inept at times and, overall, rather underwhelming. Hailed as one of the greatest military leaders and strategists in history, the Napoleon depicted here (as portrayed by Joaquin…

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Book Review: Roseghetto is a story that demands your attention and needs to be heard

Roseghetto, the debut novel from author Kristy Jagger, takes a hard look at trauma and low-socioeconomic hardships. The novel begins with the main character, Shayla, at just three-years-old and follows her right through to when she is an eighteen-year-old. Throughout the book, readers get a glimpse into what it is like living and growing up…

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