Day: 30 August 2024

Review: MĀUI at the Sydney Opera House is storytelling at its best

Seen as a hero and a trickster, Māui was a demi-god whose adventures have been told and retold for hundreds of years. Steeped in the culture of the Pacific, his acts of bravery and remarkable life form the inspiration behind MĀUI at the Sydney Opera House. Brought to life by the New Zealand dance collective…

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New Music Discoveries 30th Aug: DEM MOB, Mac the Knife, Georgia Betts, and more

As we are about to head into Spring in Australia, we’ve added ten new tracks to our Discovery playlist on Apple Music and Spotify. We are especially delighted to see four debut tracks from fresh artists this week. Our Track of the Week goes to “I’ll Get By”, a powerful new single from Indigenous hip…

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