Day: 2 December 2024

Live Review: Tiny Habits deliver an outstanding opening night on the first stop of their Just A Little Down Under Tour

Prior to the release of Tiny Habit’s debut album, All For Something back in May, I was a total newcomer to the indie-folk trio from Boston, Massachusetts. After reviewing the album however, I started scouring the internet for tour info, regularly checking the Australia Post app for my “coke bottle clear” vinyl and pestering anyone…

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Live Review: TISM round out a tour for the ages in Sydney

It was a line-up resplendent in ‘90s/’00s Australian music royalty. A line-up that has probably never been in the same place at the same time, and almost certainly never will again. Such was the bulk of the quintuple-pronged show that it started at the ungodly early time of 5:30pm on a Friday. This meant that…

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Book Review: Darren Hayes’ Unlovable is more than a memoir – it’s a journey of trauma, fame, and self-discovery

In the interests of full transparency before diving into this review, I must admit: I’m a massive fan of Savage Garden. The band’s two monumental albums were often blared from the tape player of my parent’s VN Vacationer Commodore, embedding themselves into the soundtrack of my childhood and bookmarking every road trip in the early…

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